Renowned Yoruba actor Olu Olowogemo, popularly known by his stage name Mr. Portable, has revealed some of the reasons he stepped back from acting in films. He also discussed the costs involved in producing a typical movie in today’s industry.
In a video shared on the official YouTube channel of Oyinmomo TV during an interview, Mr. Portable revealed that he stopped acting in movies because he is currently facing financial difficulties and can no longer afford to invest in filmmaking.
In his statement, he said, “There was a time when my friend Segun Ogungbe and I could not afford three hundred thousand naira to produce our own movies, so we had to stop movie production. I stopped acting movies because I’m broke, and I can’t afford to make movies anymore. I like to produce quality movies, and I spend a lot of money on movie productions; that is why my movie soundtracks are always top quality.”
He further explained that 95% of men who approach a woman do so with the intention of gaining something from her, often seeking physical intimacy. To achieve this, they tend to act nice and attentive. He noted that some men rarely call their wives but will constantly call a new woman, making her believe they are genuinely kind.
He also pointed out that marriages between actors and actresses often don’t last. This, he attributed to their relentless pursuit of fame, particularly among women, and the challenges of sustaining stardom.
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