In a recent interview with TVC, Mike Adeyemi, the ex-boyfriend of Nollywood actress Nkechi Blessing, discusses his relationship with the actress and the reasons behind their breakup. This is what Mike Adeyemi said.
Here’s the interview Mike had with the interviewer about the breakup, and what he said:
INTERVIEWER: When did you and Nkechi Blessing meet?
MIKE ADEYEMI: I met her in 2018, okay? She was always coming back and forth to the States.
INTERVIEWER: So was it from the movie set in 2018 that things kicked off for both of you?
INTERVIEWER: Okay, and how long did that last for?
MIKE ADEYEMI: Um, it lasted for about two to three years on and off.
INTERVIEWER: Was it intentional for it to be that public, or did that just naturally happen? Because a lot of people probably thought initially that the relationship was literally just on screen. So how did that evolve?
MIKE ADEYEMI: For me, I’m a very private person. I like to keep some stuff private, but you know how Blessing is—she loves everything on Instagram.
INTERVIEWER: Are you sure? Because I remember her saying it was you that put some stuff online.
MIKE ADEYEMI: No, no, no, I don’t think it was me. She started all that. It just got to that point.
INTERVIEWER: But did you guys agree, or it just happened?
MIKE ADEYEMI: Honestly, most of the stuff wasn’t agreed to, but you know, sometimes you just have to embrace something so as not to make the other person feel some type of way. So at that point, I didn’t have a choice but to just go along with it.
INTERVIEWER: Would you say that being out there impacted your career negatively or positively in any way?
MIKE ADEYEMI: I would say both ways, yeah. I would say both ways. But you know, I don’t want to go too deep. I would say that it really helped me a lot because obviously, you know, being with someone like that at that point—she was up there in her career as well—that really helped me. But at the same time, the negative part of it is, you know, Nkechi doesn’t take nonsense. So most of the time, when an actor wants to work with me, they’re like, “Man, can I kiss you? I no want wahala.”
INTERVIEWER: So is that what happened? Is that what caused the breakup?
MIKE ADEYEMI: She was protective, like overprotective, and that was part of it. You know, I don’t like to be caged. I love to be free. And I just don’t want people to see me and try to, you know, take whatever my ex-girlfriend is going through at the moment and take it out on me. That’s her problem. I mean, I’m Mike—get to know me for who I am. Don’t get to know me as “Uncle Nkechi.”
INTERVIEWER: So at that point, you probably didn’t have any restrictions with regards to intimacy with other people while you were dating? You didn’t think that should be a problem?
MIKE ADEYEMI: Yeah, I don’t think that should be a problem, but that kind of affected me a little bit.
INTERVIEWER: So, like, would she get angry after the scenes? And on her end, was she doing that though—on set—with other people?
MIKE ADEYEMI: Actually, she was.
INTERVIEWER: But she just didn’t want you to do that?
MIKE ADEYEMI: Of course na.
INTERVIEWER: So who talked about the breakup first? Because usually, we get to hear about these things somehow—either someone leaks it, or someone talks about it to a blogger. But who spoke about it first?
MIKE ADEYEMI: I think I posted something on Instagram, and Instablog just boom picked it up like that. And it was like a quote or something I just typed, and they just turned it into “Adeyemi Mike broke up with Blessing.”
But honestly, it was a mutual breakup because we actually had a conversation—”This is not working, blah blah blah blah blah”—and we just, you know… That was when she moved on to the other dude, and you know, that was that.