A video making the rounds on social media shows a mystery fish that many social media users have never seen before.
The clip which has raised many eyebrows across social media shows a big fish displaying some dolphin features and at the same time looks like a cow.
The head of the fish looks exactly like that of a cow, complete with two horns, while the body showcases a typical fish form.
The mystery fish was accompanied by a set of people who kept looking at the creature they had not seen before. The fish has been taken away from the ocean to the land thereby restricting its movement.
See reactions that have started trailing the mystery fish and the video below;
diw0n: Imagine say you wake up and found this beside you on bed.
bridgettcute: Who tell me to watch this one ooo😭😭😭😭😭😭😢😢😢.
cza_dd: Many animals has Sea version of them. There’s sea tortoise Aka Turtle, there’s Sea Horse, there’s Sea lion, there’s Sea snake.
nkyss_place’: Is the horn that is confusing me ! Is meant to be seal animal .
collinzoh: This is called Seal-cow. A very rare breed from North America. The botanical name is sealobeefton. It’s an endangered specie and estimated to be only 217 in the whole world as at early this month. It feeds mainly on grass (herbivore) and it’s more alert at night (nocturnal) so I guess that’s why it’s really calm cos it’s not night as at when they found it. I guess it migrated from Antarctica cos it has never been seen in Africa. Collinzoh doesn’t lie but meanwhile you can believe anything you read on the internet 😏😏😏.
justadetoun: Since AI don dey I no believe anything again na so the take AI tell me say my father sabi dance 😂😂😂.
priscaleee: Na cow knack him mama 😹😹💔.