“I’m 38, I need a Husband”-Lady Cries Out Over inability to get Husband at her 38.(Video)

created by photogrid

Ella Ada causes another buzz online again with her controversial video telling the public she needs a husband and Don’t mind paying her own bride price by herself.

This have generated a lot of reactions from the audience. In the video, Ella is seen holding a cardboard sheet with boldly writing on it below.

38 years, I need a Husband

In the video, she was al seen holding a bell and she stand on the center of the Road, ringing the bell as well announcing to the public that she needs a husband.

This is not the First time Ella have been with this Kind of life Attitude, where have appeared Severally in public creating some contents this way.

Ella have been also known with her loving affair with our veteran actor Aguba, when she accepted to Marry Aguba.

SEE her video below ;