Comedian Atunyota Akpobome, popularly known as Ali Baba, and his wife, Mary Bassey Akpobome, shared adorable photos of their triplets as they marked their first birthday on Friday, January 24, 2025.
Intel Region previously reported that the 59-year-old comedian and his 56-year-old wife welcomed their triplets in 2024.
Filled with gratitude, Mrs. Akpobome praised God for the blessing of her children, describing Him as faithful and bowing in humble adoration.
Ali Baba’s wife expressed her gratitude, affirming that God is always on time. She wished her triplet sons—King Aaron, King Alexander, and King Andrew—a happy birthday.
The little celebrants looked joyful in their photos, capturing the hearts of many. Meanwhile, Ali Baba shared glimpses of his triplets on his Instagram stories, accompanied by Chandler Moore’s gospel hit Omemma.
Friends and colleagues joined in the celebration, offering prayers and well wishes. Nollywood actress Kate Henshaw was thrilled that the triplets had turned one, sending them heartfelt birthday blessings.
Pastor David Adeoye and his wife, Sumbo Adeoye (one of singer 2Baba’s baby mamas), also expressed gratitude for the children’s lives.
Fashion designer Mimi Yina, aka Medlin Boss, prayed that the triplets would always bring joy to their family.