Prophet Israel Ogundipe, the founder and shepherd of the Celestial Church of Christ Genesis Global, talks with BIODUN BUSARI about his modest upbringing, beliefs, and other topics.
What challenges do you face in ministry?
I prepared for challenges when I joined the ministry. According to the Bible, a laborer’s efforts are in vain if the Lord has not constructed the house. Although I am aware that difficulties will arise, I am unsure of how they will manifest.
All I know is that every challenge I face presents a chance to grow. Islam was my birth religion. Wasiu is my Muslim name. My father was named Sulaiman, and my mother was named Risikat. In the 1980s, my parents became members of the Christ Apostolic Church.
The pitiful tale of my mother being made fun of by a churchgoer led me to the Celestial Church of Christ. My mother used to only wear one outfit to church because my parents were so impoverished. “Na she dey come church pass” and “Na her life worse pass,” which translates to “despite being the member who attended church the most, her life is the worst,” were the words of the woman who made fun of her in pidgin English. I was furious because I was the family’s eldest child.
I was affected by this specific incident because I loved my parents. I began attending the CCC as a result of this. I found the parish while I was walking down the street. The freedom to serve God was what drew me to the church. The church was not like that, despite what many people claim about the CCC being a fetish gathering. While not all parishes have that kind of activity, some do. Despite my parents’ disapproval, I overcame the obstacle when I joined the CCC.
Is there a connection between your family background and your attendance of an Islamic gathering during Ramadan some time ago?
Religion is not something I believe in. A religion is not what Christianity is. It’s a lifestyle. Since there is no religion in heaven, I preach love. Almost every year, I go to lectures during Ramadan. I participate in Iftah with Muslims. There are some churchgoers who are worse than pagan people. Sutana, or white garments, are worn by some evil-minded people. Some people are devilish even though they don’t wear earrings or sutana.
Remember that Jesus ate dinner with sinners. Muslims are good-hearted, so I don’t think they are sinners. I have a lot of Muslim friends. Therefore, my Muslim heritage has nothing to do with my attendance at Islamic events during Ramadan. I act in this way because I am a servant-leader as well as a servant. Every time I receive an invitation to speak as a leader, I do so with the goal of transforming the audience.
I once urged the Muslims present to yell “Allahu akbar” twenty-one times. All of these topics were being discussed because our church leaders were deceptive marketers. In the meantime, Islam also has them. That is the case with certain Muslim clerics. They cannot be changed because they are too stiff. However, I continue to preach the gospel in spite of this. I discuss ethics and taking care of parents. Therefore, the majority of what I teach there has nothing to do with religion.
Is your church different from CCC in doctrines?
The Celestial Church of Christ Genesis Global is this church. We simply aren’t traditional; we’re transformational. The books I read reflect my leadership style, which is transformational. Even though I didn’t have a college degree, no one would know unless I told them. Self-development is the only thing I believe in. I’m passionate about growth, but it’s not different.
Although we don’t wear shoes, there are other branches where people can wear shoes. We use altar, honey, perfumes, and incense. There is no altar, but they are permitted to wear shoes and muftis. Our actions are all documented in the Bible. But because they are in the Old Testament, those marketing church leaders I mentioned earlier will begin to condemn these. In the meantime, they also gather tithes, which is an Old Testament practice. Here, however, we don’t pray by bushes or streams. We don’t pray and go to intersections.
Has the church or ministry become a business now as many church leaders seem to be commercialising the work of the ministry?
Church isn’t a business. Satan is inciting some wicked individuals to oppose Christianity. The problem is that the criticisms of the church are coming from some of our pastors. Ifa priests talk about money when people visit them for consultation. Does that qualify as a business? Do they consider it a business when they ask them to bring rams and other items? The claim is that people will criticize you if you are truly called and you encounter difficulties. However, when you are blessed by the Lord, people start to believe that God’s men have made the church into a business.
Men of God are blessed with their resources by the people. I may not discuss other people, but I am aware of myself; I have never used church funds. I don’t bill clients. Members’ donations fund our ongoing church project. The men of God will undoubtedly be blessed by others. Essentially, I’m arguing that leaders shouldn’t coerce others into giving. People shouldn’t be extorted. They must not harass or intimidate.
We reduce our budgets during difficult times. Why don’t people criticize other religions the way they criticize church leaders? The majority of pastors are extravagant, which is the cause. To sum up, the church is not a hub for business.
The establishment of a free school is one of the initiatives our church is working on. Those who wish to partner with God will provide funding for this project. Because their lives are not good, some people attack what is good. The fact that some pastors are supporting individuals who oppose other pastors is another element contributing to all of these complaints.
What is your perspective about tithes?
In my church, we pay tithes. Although I pay tithes, I do not compel members to do so. As I mentioned previously, I have never contributed to church funds. Our church uses tithes to support widows. But I’m not judgmental and don’t care what people do with their tithes in their churches.
You said a bank approached you to take a loan and repay with money realised from crusades. Did you accept the offer?
A bank approached me, but I didn’t have the mind to accept the loan.
Did the bank mention the churches that accepted such a loan?
I didn’t say that the churches that took out the loan were bad. It is not a crime for some churches overseas to receive loans. I didn’t have the mindset, which is why I turned down the offer. I think God’s work will continue to expand. It doesn’t matter to me as long as it’s working for them. To avoid extorting their members, some churches are collecting loans.
You said you would vote for President Bola Tinubu in 2023 because he’s a Yoruba man. Don’t you think a man of God should be father to all regardless of tribe?
Although I never ran a campaign for President Bola Tinubu, I did support him. I am free to select the candidates I want to support. He is unknown to me. I’m not asking him for a favor. I purposefully did that because some people confidently backed former President Goodluck Jonathan during his administration. After that, my wife didn’t support Jonathan, while I did. Muhammadu Buhari, the former president, ultimately prevailed. But a lot of pastors used their followers as pawns in Jonathan’s campaign.
No one can prove that I did not campaign for Tinubu, but I did support him with confidence. Let me explain the video that caused a stir in the interim. I was preaching about loyalty that day, but someone edited the part. I asked everyone to cast their vote for their favorite candidate. When I asked a woman from the South-East who I had called who she would vote for, she said she would vote for Peter Obi.
A man I spoke with over the phone said he would support Atiku Abubakar. I then said that I would also vote for Yoruba because you wanted to vote for Obi. I’m Yoruba. It went viral when I declared that I would vote for Tinubu. The nation is challenging. However, I will state that the president is making an effort after realizing that people are suffering. God will reward him for whatever he does.
Will you support President Tinubu in 2027 if he contests bearing in mind the present economic hardship?
We are experiencing hardship. However, I believe that comfort will not teach you the lessons that hardship will. The president is being blamed by many. Why can’t we hold the people who raised funds to elect them to office accountable? Each of those women gathered clothing, rice, and other items. Many of these politicians sold their properties to get into their current positions. In America, that is not the case. Nigeria is challenging, but no nation is flawless.
Many people who are ranting have this question. Some were pleading for food while Jonathan was there. Additionally, some people earned money. Some people disliked former President Olusegun Obasanjo, but he brought about the telecommunications reform that we currently enjoy. Let’s always exercise wisdom. You will lose your title if you are overly entitled. Is it Tinubu’s fault that many people have seven children and little money to care for them? I’m not claiming that Nigeria is fine.
However, I would like to inform all of our politicians that you are present today and are celebrating. You have previously seen other people’s photos in offices, but they have since been taken down. Please be aware that your photos will also be deleted. I’m sending Tinubu this message. I will never make concessions. My support for him does not imply that I agree with what Nigeria is going through.
What are your thoughts on Nigerian youths generally?
It’s seed time and harvest time in life. I would like to speak with our leaders. You’re sowing whatever you’re doing. I would like to speak to our young people. You’re sowing whatever you’re doing. Just as our church will experience a harvest, there will come a time when you will harvest. We will have a harvest within the next two weeks. Our harvest, which takes place from December 13 to December 15, is a harvest of turning points.
According to the Bible, people who know their God will be powerful and take advantage of others. Recognize your values. You won’t be duped by anything. It is not your critics who will get you where you want to go, so ignore them. Don’t concentrate on things that won’t help you. Your acceleration, manifestation, and transformation are determined by the things you pay attention to, so concentrate on the things that will change your life.
Recognize the location of association as well. You will succeed if you surround yourself with proactive, successful, and productive people. Keep in mind that you stand out from the crowd. It’s not about what or who abandoned you. What you do with what remains is what matters.